Safe Streets Petaluma

Advocating Safe, Healthy, and Affordable Mobility for All

We Just Wanna Walk and Roll!

First Friday @ Five Ride: 

Friday, April 4th, Walnut Park 

Butter and Eggs Day Parade

Saturday April 19th. Details and Registration HERE

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Petaluma is pursuing important goals for climate, public health and safety, economic vibrancy and social equity. Reaching these goals demands that we quickly transform our transportation system.

“Complete streets” means that our system of public rights of way and transit accommodates everyone. It means “we will enjoy peaceful streets because everyone has a piece of the street.”

We created Safe Streets Petaluma in spring 2022 to rally the community in support of complete streets projects and policies. The goal: to build Petaluma's Complete Streets network in years rather than decades. We're making progress:

We got advice from other American cities who have been successful at this. They told us we must build a coalition of everyone who will benefit from complete streets. That, as it turns out, is everyone in Petaluma!

That's why we ask you to take a few minutes to read and sign the Declaration: We Support Complete Streets for Petaluma. We’ll publish your name (and logo) on our website, and, if you opt in, send you no more than two emails a month with updates on progress and key votes.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us,, if you have questions or suggestions.


Mission, story, supporters


What we are working on 


For Safe Streets advocacy


Calendar & newsletters 

We respectfully acknowledge that we reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok peoples.